Practice pays off for Cornick after one-on-one premonition

Harry Cornick finds the net against WycombeHarry Cornick finds the net against Wycombe
Harry Cornick finds the net against Wycombe
Striker Harry Cornick's pre-match premonition paid off in full as he netted his third goal of the season for Luton during their FA Cup win at the weekend.

The 23-year-old attacker took advantage of a horrible error from centre half Adam El-Abd, who opted to backheel the ball straight into his path, racing through to slot past keeper Ryan Allsop and seal Town’s progress into round two.

Speaking afterwards, boss Nathan Jones revealed how it was something they had worked on in training in the build-up to the game, saying: “It was gifted to him but he’s still got to finish and fair play to him, he came to us yesterday (Friday) and said, ‘I’ve got a feeling I’m going to get a one-on-one tomorrow, so can we work on it?’

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“We worked at it, myself and Joaquin (Gomez), Joaquin more than me, he got that opportunity and then finished very, very well.

“It was crucial as the type of team they are, they can always get a chance out of nothing.

“They load the box late on and they put the balls in, so you know you’re going to come up against an aerial threat.

“But we managed to get on second balls which was something we didn’t do here last year and we took chances, which once again we didn’t do last year.”

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Cornick himself was pleased that his preparation had paid off, saying: “I thought I’d have a one-on-one, so I did a few practice ones yesterday.

“I scored three out of 10 which wasn’t great but lucky today I got one out of two.

“Joaquin tries to get me to do a few every day, so the more I practice on the training pitch, I’m happy to keep getting a more goals and keep helping the team out.”

When Cornick burst clear, unlike recent games this season when he has fired straight at the keeper, or tried to go for the near post, much to the frustration of Jones, this time he picked out the bottom corner with unerring accuracy.

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On what was going through his mind, Cornick said: “The gaffer in the back of my head screaming ‘go across goal,’ that’s all I think about.

“So I went across goal and fortunately it went in this time.

“One on one’s sometimes aren’t my strongest, but I got the second chance and put that one away, so I’m delighted.”

Boss Jones was happy to see his attacker heed the advice, especially after missing one in the opening few minutes of the tie, saying: “First half I think he tried to go across the keeper, but the keeper gambled on it, and he didn’t catch it quite right.

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“As long as he scores, I don’t mind, but at times it’s on to go across the keeper as we get good numbers in the box, so if he parries it, then we have tap-ins.

“I’m just delighted he scored, as he’s a real diligent kid, wants to work, wants to learn, wants to get better, and he is.”

Meanwhile, team-mate Elliot Lee added: “He missed one early on and the lads get on to him for his one on ones, so I’m delighted he’s put that away and hopefully he can get a few more from there.

“I’m delighted he’s doing so well.

“He’s adding goals to his games and he was outstanding, his running and his hold-up play, he deserved his goal.”