Collins excited by Luton's summer shopping

Hatters striker James CollinsHatters striker James Collins
Hatters striker James Collins
Hatters striker James Collins is already hugely enthused by the business done by manager Nathan Jones over the summer.

The Luton boss tied up the futures of Glen Rea, Alan McCormack and Alan Sheehan, with the trio all signing new contracts, plus adding Andrew Shinnie, who was on loan with Town last term, and Sonny Bradley to the ranks too.

Collins said: “Those three are like new signings already.

“Obviously they’ve been here already this season, but to get Sheez, Macca and Glen on board next season, it’s a hell of a coup for the club.

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“They were three of the main players we’ve had this year that have succeeded, so I think that’s like three new signings.

“Shins is another great signing for us and he showed his quality throughout the year.

“He was a bit in and out at the end, but some of the things he can do on the football pitch are scary.

“He’s so nice on the eye and he’s great to play with as he just wants to set people up and get assists.

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“He’s also a top man as well, so I’m delighted for him that he’s got himself sorted for the next couple of years.”

Collins hasn’t crossed paths with Bradley before, as despite the pair both playing for Crawley recently, the defender left just before Collins signed.

On his arrival, the striker continued: “I haven’t played with him, although I played against him a few times at Plymouth.

“He’s big and strong, he heads it, he’s competitive and he has had a couple of promotions with Plymouth, so he’s a good player, and the Crawley lads said he was good and a nice lad.”

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Town are yet to conclude their summer trading, with Jones confirming he would strengthen further ahead of the new campaign.

Although Collins thinks the current squad could compete at the next level, he’s looking forward to seeing just who comes in, saying: “He (Jones) recruited last year for the level above and our squad for League Two was scary.

“We had players missing out on the squad that could get in any League Two or One side, so we recruited for next year.

“I think even if we didn’t get any players, we’d be okay, but I think we’ll certainly add to it and I’m really excited to see who’s going to come in.”

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Amidst the new arrivals, there have been departures from Kenilworth Road, with two, Scott Cuthbert and Johnny Mullins, finding new clubs in Stevenage and Cheltenham.

Collins added: “That’s just football, it’s not just happening at Luton, it’s happening all over the country.

“I’m gutted to see Johnny and Scotty go, because they were two good friends of mine. I used to travel in with Johnny every day so I’ve lost a car school mate now and I really get on with Scotty as well.

“They’re both great players and I think they’ll both do really well for their new clubs.

“I’m buzzing to see them both get set up so quickly as they both great lads and deserve everything they get.”