Nearly 150 people sign petition to 'fix Dunstable town centre's traffic lights'

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A Dunstable councillor has started a petition to change traffic lights in the town centre branding them ‘dangerous’ and ‘ridiculous’.

So far there are nearly 150 signatures on the e-petition started by councillor Nicholas Kotarski, which aims to change the light sequencing at the junction of High Street North, High Street South, Church Street and West Street.

The petition read: “The sequence should be changed so traffic from only one street enters the crossroads at a time, with pedestrians crossing after the 4-road rotation.

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“To assist pedestrians, the crossing timing needs to be changed to 15 seconds bleeping and 10 seconds flashing to allow everyone, including disabled and the elderly, time to cross safely without feeling they have to rush.”

The traffic lights in the town centre. Picture: Cllr Nicholas KotarskiThe traffic lights in the town centre. Picture: Cllr Nicholas Kotarski
The traffic lights in the town centre. Picture: Cllr Nicholas Kotarski

Cllr Kotarski of Dunstable Independents explained: “By extending it by five seconds and changing the timing of the bleeps, it will make it safer for elderly and disabled people to cross. We are trying to make it safer and easier to use.

"We're just the changing of the lights and not creating a whole series of new roadworks, we've all had enough roadworks in the town centre.”

He added: “The public can also access full details at the Dunstable Independents’ Facebook Page.”

Central Bedfordshire residents have until July 16 to sign.

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A spokesperson for Central Bedfordshire Council said: “In respect of the e-petition “Fix Dunstable Town Centre Traffic Lights”, we are unable to comment on active petitions. The deadline for submissions is July 16, and we will review the comments after that date. Once the petition has closed, the responses will be submitted to the Traffic Management Committee.”