Enjoy a family fun day at Stopsley Fire Station Open Day

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The event on Sunday, June 23, is free with a chance to met fire crews and try out some of the firefighting equipment.

A full day of activities will be hosted by Beds Fire & Rescue Service from 12pm to 3pm with further activities including live demonstrations, colouring competitions and dunk a firefighter. You can also take a look inside the emergency vehicles and get fire safety advice.

Chief Fire Officer, Andrew Hopkinson said: “These events are a great opportunity to meet your local firefighters and find out more about the work they do, all while raising funds for The Fire Fighters Charity.”.Refreshments will be provided.

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Other Open Day dates can be found on the events section of Beds fire service website.

Visit Stopsley Fire Station Open Day between 12pm and 3pm on June 23Visit Stopsley Fire Station Open Day between 12pm and 3pm on June 23
Visit Stopsley Fire Station Open Day between 12pm and 3pm on June 23

Stopsley community fire station was opened in 1984 when Stopsley's location to J10 of the M1 and the growing Luton International Airport (as it was known at the time) made it the ideal location for a new station.

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