Big Weekend: Caddington boys praised for 'great entrepreneurship' after selling refreshments to festival goers

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Two 11-year-old boys have been praised online for selling some much-needed refreshments to people going to the Big Weekend festival in Luton.

Claye Hart and Max Burnham set up their ‘corner shop’ in Caddington, and made over £100 selling drinks and snacks to those making their way to Stockwood Park.

Mums, Sara and Stacey, said they were proud of the boys after they had sat out in the unpredictable weather all day on Sunday (May 26).

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Stacey said: “They keep saying that they had made the best memories. They came in and said they had the best day although they'd been to the festival as well.”

The boys outside selling drinks and snacks. Picture: Stacey BurnhamThe boys outside selling drinks and snacks. Picture: Stacey Burnham
The boys outside selling drinks and snacks. Picture: Stacey Burnham

Sara added: “People liked the fact that they were enjoying themselves. I think a lot of people got that old school vibe, that's what would have happened back in the day. You don't see that as much now, as they [children] are on electronics, but the boys were leading it all with conversation.”

One man pulled over in his car and gave them £10 each, telling them to keep up the good work.

Max explained: “It was fun. I am going to save my money.” Claye said he would do the same, and added: “I want to save up to get a bike, so we can ride to high school together.”

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On Facebook, Graeme White said: “I don’t know what I love more about this, the fact the two boys showed great entrepreneurship or the fact they weren’t trying to rip people off with very good prices.”