The community danced, ate and connected during the event. Picture: Tony MargiocchiThe community danced, ate and connected during the event. Picture: Tony Margiocchi
The community danced, ate and connected during the event. Picture: Tony Margiocchi

14 fantastic photos of Luton’s second Kenyan Cultural Heritage Day - with Massai dancers and more

“The Kenyans certainly know how to give a really good party!”

Luton hosted its second Kenyan Cultural Day at the weekend – with Bedfordshire’s new High Sheriff and the MP for South West Bedfordshire joining in the fun.

The Luton, Dunstable and Surrounding Kenyan Community Forum (LDSKCF) organised the event at the Dallow Centre to bridge the gap between the town’s communities and celebrated Kenyan culture with over 120 guests.

Founder and chairwoman of LDSKCF, Dunstable councillor Sally Kimondo said: “The event is more of bringing the community together. And it's educating the youth about our heritage.”

There were Massai dancers from Kenya, lots of food and plenty of music playing to get everyone on their feet.

High Sheriff of Bedfordshire, Bav Shah went along, as well as deputy mayor of Luton, Cllr Zanib Raja, and Andrew Selous MP.

Cllr Zanib Raja said: "Cultural differences should not separate us from each other, but rather cultural diversity brings a collective strength that can benefit all of humanity. Understanding languages and other cultures builds bridges. I was honoured to be invited to attend the LDSKCF cultural event - a showcase of Kenyan culture and food."

After the event, the MP for South West Bedfordshire said: “I admire that our local Kenyan residents who, while contributing greatly to life in the United Kingdom, are keen to preserve their own culture and pass it on to the next generation. I think they have something to teach the English in that respect.

“I’m so grateful for their warm welcome to me on my birthday and the Kenyans certainly know how to give a really good party!”

Founder and chairwoman of LDSKCF, Dunstable councillor Sally Kimondo said: “The event is more of bringing the community together. And it's educating the youth about our heritage.”