Jewellery and wristwatches stolen during Houghton Regis back door break-in

Police NewsPolice News
Police News
Jewellery and wristwatches were stolen from a resident in Houghton Regis after a back door break-in.

Just after 10.30am on Friday (April 13), a property in Cemetery Road was broken into via the back door and several items were taken.

The offender is described as a white stocky man, approximately 5’8’’ and was wearing a light blue hooded jacket with the hood up.

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Anyone with information about this incident is asked to visit Bedfordshire Police’s online reporting centre or call 101 quoting reference number JD/17023/2018.

Visit the force’s website for the best crime prevention tips.

Top tips to help reduce the risk of burglary

Make your house look occupied - burglars won’t be as tempted if they think someone is home. If you’re heading out, keep your lights on a timer and consider keeping your radio or television turned on so it looks like someone is home.

Lock up when you leave - make sure all and windows on your house, vehicle and garages or sheds are securely locked at all times. Not only can valuable tools be appealing to burglars, they can also be used to force entry to a home.

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Don’t give crooks an easy entry - never leave keys under a doormat or in a flowerpot – it’s the first place a would-be offender would look.

Look out for neighbours - ask a friend to keep an eye on your house if you’re going away for holiday, and do the same for neighbours. Stay alert to suspicious activity on your street.

Property mark your property - by property marking any valuables, you are more likely to get them returned to you in the unfortunate event that they are stolen