Faiths group plans Luton solidarity march after Westminster terror attack

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Breaking News SUS-170322-150838003
Luton Council of Faiths is organising a solidarity march in Luton this evening, in the wake of the Westminster terror attack on Wednedsay.

In a statement the Council said: “We are deeply shocked, saddened and grieved by the violent, depraved and cowardly terror attack on London Westminster and innocent people last Wednesday. It has left the painful scar on Londoners, the entire country and many citizens of the world who were visiting our spectacular London city.

“We pass on our heartfelt and sincere condolences to the family and friends of

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- PC Keith Palmer, who gave his life on duty defending Westminster

- Teacher Aysha Frade who lost her life crossing Westminster Bridge to pick her children

- US tourist, Kurt W. Cochran

- Leslie Rhodes from Streatham

- Those innocent people, walking alongside Westminster wounded and many in critical condition.

“Those who share similar evil & extremist ideologies, for their gains, will take advantage of such incidents to drive communities further apart.

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“As people from different faiths and cultures in Luton, we will not be driven apart. We commit to stay united by our common humanity and work for the common good while condemning such evil acts in strongest terms.

“Our message is loud and clear – hate mongers, extremists and terrorists have no place in our civil and democratic society. We should all be united and vigilant towards such evildoers and support one another.

“To stand together in solidarity, especially in such times of darkness and adversity, all are invited to join in on Friday 24th March 5:30pm outside Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ to offer our condolences to those bereaved and to strengthen our collective hope that lies in our shared humanity.”

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