‘Prolific shoplifter’ banned from Luton shopping centre in anti-social behaviour crackdown

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A “prolific shoplifter” in Luton has been banned from The Mall, drinking alcohol in a public space or begging in the whole of Bedfordshire as police crackdown on anti-social behaviour in the town centre.

Officers from Luton Community Policing Team secured a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) against the man after getting tip offs from the public about his behaviour.

The force said: “The order states the man: Cannot enter Library Road, The Mall or Shopping centre (including property and buildings owned by the MALL, including car parks); Is not allowed to drink alcohol in a public place, save for licenced premises; Cannot beg in Bedfordshire; Cannot do any acts, which a person could construe as begging – including sitting on the floor.”

Bedfordshire Police says it wants to reassure people that it is “closing in on nuisance behaviour”.

Anyone with concerns people behaving anti-socially can click here to report incidents.