Beware trickster pretending to have lost his keys

Police are urging people in the New Bedford Road area of Luton to be vigilant after receiving several reports of a man trying to trick residents.

In the last several weeks, a man has been calling at addresses along both New Bedford Road and Stockingstone Road stating that he has lost his car keys and needs a lift somewhere.

“Some residents have given the man money.

PC Richard Warren, investigating, said: “This man seems to be purposely targeting residents in this area in a bid to trick them out of either money or a free lift.

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“Anyone who has experienced similar activity from a man matching this description is urged to get in touch so that we can find out who he is and what his motive is.

“I’d also remind people not to answer the door to strangers and certainly never to hand over money or give a lift to someone who you do not know.”

The man is described as Asian, in his 30s, with closely shaven hair, and a local accent. He often wears a baseball cap. Anyone with information is asked to contact PC Warren on 101.