Council tackles Luton's untidy gardens

Luton Borough Council's Neighbourhood Enforcement team are tackling the town's untidy gardens as they look to tidy up Luton.

Gardens kept in a poor condition can make the street look unpleasant and have a negative effect on the area, including attracting vermin. Enforcement patrols will be out on the streets identifying homes with untidy gardens and issuing warning letters to the occupiers or owners, they will normally have seven days to clear the problem.

If the householder does not comply, the council can issue a Community Protection Notice under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, which requires remedial action to be taken.

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Failure to comply with the Notice may result in a £100 Fixed Penalty Notice to the owner/occupier of the land.

The council will issue a notice where there is material which can rot, cause nuisance to neighbours or attract vermin, if the land is considered by officers to be detrimental to the local amenity, if there are materials which are unsightly, if there is shelter for vermin or if there is discarded food, faeces, nappies or dead animals.