Bob-a-job is back

ONE of the proudest traditions of scouting is set to be revived next spring, when Bedfordshire Scouts bring back bob-a-job week.

The campaign, now called Scout Community Week, ill involve Scout Groups in volunteer projects such as helping hospitals and care homes, planting trees, erecting nest boxes, clearing shrubs and even helping older people with the internet.

Bob-a-job takes its name from the 5p scouts used to charge in 1949 - back when eggs were four shillings a dozen and a large loaf cost fivepence halfpenny.

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The skills that 21st century scouts will employ will include DIY, computer technology and pioneering.

County commissioners Chris Bent and Frances Craven said: “As scouts we have always recognised the importance of the good turn.

“Between now and next May we will be talking with community people and local councillors to identify projects our scouts can tackle.

“There are over 4000 young people out there eager to help. If you have a community project for the Scouts get in touch on 01234 826 079 or e-mail us at”

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