Top 10 rookie mistakes by first time householders

Forgetting bin day, getting the washing machine setting wrong and running out of loo roll are among the rookie errors Brits make - when moving into a new home.

As summer draws to a close, many young people will be leaving home for the first time, to start the next chapter of their lives.

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A survey of 2,000 UK adults who have left home revealed the embarrassing mistakes they made when they first set up on their own.

A fifth were left red-faced after running out of loo roll when it was most needed, with the same number not having any bin bags when they were required.

Shrinking clothes in the wash was another equally common mistake.

On average, 42 per cent of respondents said that upon reflection, they were not prepared for moving out when they first left home – increasing to 86 per cent of 18- to 24-year-olds, for whom the ‘big move’ is likely to be most recent.

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More than a third (38 per cent) admitted that in the early days, they had to call their parents or another adult for help with an appliance in their home – most likely the washing machine, followed by the central heating, with one in 10 needing advice about their gas and electricity meter.

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